Dental Website Design – 3 Must-Haves For Dentist Websites to Improve Office Efficiency…

Dr. IT SEO Services

Oral care professionals often have dentist websites designed specifically for building their practice and attracting new patients. This is a very effective method for doing that. However, these sites can also improve the productivity of dental offices. All this requires is a few smart elements incorporated into the dental website design.

New Patient Forms

Adding patient forms directly onto dentist websites saves time for the front-end staff. This gives them more time to coordinate services, such as x-rays, and visits with other specialists, such as hygienists. It also gives them an opportunity to have copies of previous oral care records sent to the office ahead of time. The staff can download this information directly into office software for easy and convenient use.

When these forms are incorporated directly into the dental website design, many professionals find the number of online visitors making appointments increases. The forms are more convenient for clients to fill out and new patients feel more compelled to set an appointment with you instead of wandering over to the competition.

Care Information

Oral care experts can benefit greatly from including information for surgery preparation and after procedure care in their dental website design. They can refer patients to this information so that they have easy access to this information and don’t have to attempt to keep track of several pieces of paper. Clients can also use this information to help them select a treatment. Office staff members usually find including this in dental website design cuts down on a large amount of extra work, allowing them to focus more on direct patient care rather than paper tracking. This has worked so well that some practices have added computers to their waiting rooms to provide clients with easy access to this information while they are waiting for their appointment.

Procedure Overviews

Listing all of the procedures and methods used in the office on dentist websites is another great way to educate patients and increase office productivity, but if they are used correctly, they make great advertising. Office staff and oral care professionals only need to refer their patients to their dentist websites to provide patients with the information they need. The client can examine the various procedures on his or her own time and select the technique he or she prefers.

Patients can learn about the services they require, but they can also learn about other treatments you provide. A client who was interested in teeth whitening, for example, may have been putting it off because he or she wasn’t aware you offered that service. New online visitors can also look through the procedures you offer to see that you offer the procedure they need. As an added benefit, this information can be used in conjunction with videos on the subject. Adding them to the homepage can increase the interest of different cosmetic procedures. Text information can be included in newsletters to further advertise your practice.

These are just a few of the features that can be added to dental website design to increase productivity and the ROI of your online marketing. Because online marketing never rests, the more you can have dentist websites do for you, the more profitable your practice will become. With an experienced developer, the possibilities are endless.

Source by Chris A. Harmen

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