Web Design And Development – Web Designs That Ought To Be Retired By Marketers…

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Dr. IT SEO Services

Website owners should be aware of bad web designers. You could fall a prey to it! For any website, a web design plays a very imperative role in every aspect. Your web design can simply make or break you. The design forms an opinion in the mind of the viewer about your website so if it’s not appealing enough, no one will take interest in your business. Your designs need to aid your audience in such a manner that they stay put on your site. Avoid the following designs that can turn your website and business into a total failure.

  • Snarky Pop-ups

There are certain websites that have a pop-up option for subscription or other deals you might be offering. Though this is not a bad practice but if your audience gets distracted by it, you’re done for. As long as the user experience of the viewer remains intact, you’re all good to go. If not, all your marketing efforts will simply go down the drain. Those pop-ups that appear on the website after a certain amount of time and are fairly easy to get rid of are completely okay but then there are some that can go mean, and trust me, if they do, you’re in for a problematic ride.

  • Sliders

Surprised? You must be wondering ‘how the heck did sliders make it to such a list?’ If the truth being told, sliders are not working in your website’s favor in any way. In fact, the slides are simply working against you. You are a marketing company, and the first thing you want to tell your viewers is how you can ease down their worries and pains, not distract them from all this. The multiple images being showed on the sliders can distract your viewers and sometimes, they can get annoyed and look for another website.

Your main target should be giving your audience what they need, and what do they need; they need you to give them the information they’re looking for and the reason why they landed on your website in the first place. No matter the sliders show relevant messages, it can be distracting at times and users may not irritated. Moreover, sliders tend to slow your website down a bit, especially when it comes to loading your website on the mobile. We all know that today, a huge number of people use their mobile gadgets rather than their laptops or desktop systems. Therefore, it is quite crucial that you keep this factor in mind to make things easy for your audience.

  • Videos That Auto-play

Retreat!! You are being ambushed by auto-play videos and sounds. Like seriously, what were you thinking!! No one likes it when they are ambuscade with sounds and video noise. You didn’t set up this webpage just so you could drive away all those who landed on your website without them even looking at it once. The ultimate goal was to attract viewers. In many cases, as it is seen, in an attempt to get away from the entire racket, the viewers just quit viewing your website and opt for another one. What, are you trying to give your competition an easy catch? If you let your viewers decide if they want to watch a video or not, it will only increase the user experience of your website.

  • Skeuomorphism

The way this trend was going, it seemed it had no end to it. But finally the trend has dulled out. This design that makes images look real and lifelike has been used way too much and it needs to take a break now.

Remember, the website you create is more for your viewers as much as it is for your business. So whenever you choose a design, keep the viewer.

Source by Rauf Ahmmad

Dr. IT SEO Services - Webdesign, SEO and IT Services

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